Inspiring and Thought Provoking Blog Award!

I am truly delighted to have been nominated by Lisa Taylor (Writers Block Party) for the Inspiring Blog Award and Angela (Zen Being) for A Thought Provoking Blog Award. All their blogs are very inspiring and wonderful. I recommend to visit to their sites. Thank you so very much!!!

Rules for the Award…

1. Thank the person who nominated you and write a post about it.
2. Share 7 things about your Self.
3. Pass the award on to 7 to 9 blogs you enjoy, link to their blogs, and let them know you nominated them.

My 7 Favorites are…

1. Favorite Color? White
2. Favorite Drink? Water
3. Passion? Self Exploration and Learning
4. Facebook or Twitter? WordPress 🙂
5. Favorite number? 3
6. Favorite Movies? Avatar, Inception
7. Favorite flower? Lotus

Blogs I recommend for Inspiring Blog Award are

Blogs I recommend for A Thought Provoking Blog Award are

Hope you enjoy these inspiring and thought-provoking blogs. I sincerely thank all from my heart for your love and support by sharing your likes, votes, thoughts and awards. Keep exploring our Self… 🙂

Author: Ganesh

A Being... "Be True, Love All, Help Others Selflessly, Live in Harmony and Rest in Peace"

17 thoughts on “Inspiring and Thought Provoking Blog Award!”

  1. Tons of Congratulations on your nominations.
    Thank you for nominating inspiring blog award to “and life smiles”.
    You blog is wonderful.
    and life smiles…..


  2. Congratulations, Ganesh. The awards are well deserved. My schedule has been hectic, but I am finally going to get to the nomination that you kindly passed on to me. Should be posted today or tomorrow. Thanks! 🙂
    ~ Paul


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