
Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others.
Because one is content with oneself, one doesn’t need others’ approval.
Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.

~ Lao Tzu

Author: Ganesh

A Being... "Be True, Love All, Help Others Selflessly, Live in Harmony and Rest in Peace"

4 thoughts on “Be-cause…”

  1. I am not sure I agree with the last line but in Lao Tzu’s time it might have been. The point here is that one does not control the thoughts of others – nor should one try.


  2. I love this quote Ganesh. In response to Ian, I understand what he is saying but what Lao means is that once we accept and love ourselves completely the whole world reflects that belief back to us.

    This is def what has happened for me. The more I search in others for approval or for love the less I find . Once I approved of myself thats when others have responded and felt the same. It’s just beautiful!



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