Vastu Brahmam?

Vastu Brahmam or Vastu Purusha or Vastu refers to primal, unmanifest, potential energy – Consciousness as energy. It is the energy through which and within which material forms manifest. Throughout history and among many cultures, this primal energy has been given many names. The names range from religious (God, Brahmam), artistic (Creative Intelligence) to scientific (the Unified Field). Vastu is that unmanifest, subtle or unseen energy field that lives eternally. It is the Field within which the manifest world exists as particles and is ultimately governed.

~ Jessie Mercay

Author: Ganesh

A Being... "Be True, Love All, Help Others Selflessly, Live in Harmony and Rest in Peace"

4 thoughts on “Vastu Brahmam?”

  1. So, this is what I termed “Thought” towards the end of my writings having started out some ten years before with an incomplete term “God”.


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